RMF Control AC-14: PERMITTED ACTIONS WITHOUT IDENTIFICATION OR AUTHENTICATION is a cybersecurity control that helps to protect information systems by limiting the actions that can be performed without identification or authentication. This control is important because it can help to prevent unauthorized access to information systems and data.

Permitted Actions Without Identification or Authentication Requirements

The RMF Control AC-14: PERMITTED ACTIONS WITHOUT IDENTIFICATION OR AUTHENTICATION requirements are specified in NIST Special Publication 800-53, Revision 5. The requirements state that the organization must:

  • Identify and limit the actions that can be performed without identification or authentication;
  • Document the permitted actions without identification or authentication; and
  • Monitor and audit the actions that are performed without identification or authentication.

Permitted Actions Without Identification or Authentication Best Practices

In addition to the RMF Control AC-14: PERMITTED ACTIONS WITHOUT IDENTIFICATION OR AUTHENTICATION requirements, there are a number of best practices that organizations can follow to improve their permitted actions without identification or authentication posture. These best practices include:

  • Only allowing the minimum set of actions to be performed without identification or authentication;
  • Implementing risk-based controls to mitigate the risks associated with permitted actions without identification or authentication;
  • Monitoring and auditing all actions that are performed without identification or authentication to identify and respond to suspicious activity;
  • Educating users on the risks of permitted actions without identification or authentication and how to mitigate those risks.

Benefits of Permitted Actions Without Identification or Authentication

Permitted actions without identification or authentication can provide a number of benefits to organizations, including:

  • Improved security posture: Permitted actions without identification or authentication can help to improve the organization’s security posture by limiting the actions that can be performed without authorization.
  • Reduced risk of data breaches: Permitted actions without identification or authentication can help to reduce the risk of data breaches by making it more difficult for unauthorized users to access information systems and data.
  • Increased user awareness: Permitted actions without identification or authentication can help to increase user awareness of security threats and how to protect their accounts.
  • Improved compliance: Permitted actions without identification or authentication can help organizations to comply with a variety of security regulations.

How to Implement Permitted Actions Without Identification or Authentication

There are a number of ways to implement permitted actions without identification or authentication. One common approach is to use a network access control (NAC) solution. NAC solutions can be used to control access to networks and identify and authenticate devices.

Another approach to implementing permitted actions without identification or authentication is to use a cloud-based service. There are a number of cloud-based services that offer permitted actions without identification or authentication capabilities. These services can be relatively easy to implement and use.

Example of Permitted Actions Without Identification or Authentication

One example of permitted actions without identification or authentication is when a user is able to access a public website without having to log in. This is often done using HTTP cookies, which are small pieces of data that are stored on the user’s computer and used to identify the user when they visit the website again.

Another example of permitted actions without identification or authentication is when a user is able to access a wireless network without having to enter a password. This is often done using open wireless networks, which are not password protected.


RMF Control AC-14: PERMITTED ACTIONS WITHOUT IDENTIFICATION OR AUTHENTICATION is an important cybersecurity control that helps to protect information systems by limiting the actions that can be performed without identification or authentication. By following the RMF Control AC-14: PERMITTED ACTIONS WITHOUT IDENTIFICATION OR AUTHENTICATION requirements and best practices, organizations can help to improve their security posture, reduce the risk of data breaches, increase user awareness, and improve compliance.

Additional Tips for Implementing and Enforcing Permitted Actions Without Identification or Authentication

  • Use a centralized system to manage permitted actions without identification or authentication.
  • Implement a risk-based approach to permitted actions without identification or authentication. For example, you may want to restrict permitted actions without identification or authentication to less sensitive systems.
  • Educate users on the risks of permitted actions without identification or authentication and how to mitigate those risks. This can be done through training programs, documentation, and other resources.
  • Regularly review and update your permitted actions without identification or authentication policies and procedures to ensure that they are effective.

By following these tips, organizations can help to ensure that their permitted actions without identification or authentication are implemented and enforced effectively.